Chemical Kleaning Who needs the "Big Iron?" Who pays for it? You do! Do you need it? No you don't! How We Do It
Precommissioning We utilized all of our resources to develop and successfully implement our SafeKlean Process. How We Do It
Hydrostatic Testing kci's hydrostatic test methods will meet or exceed all required ASME/ASTM standards. How We Do It
Fin Fan Kleaning Chemistry and Application Methodology to remove the airborne contaminates while not harming the fins. How We Do It
Cosmetic Kleaning We have developed highly efficient, environmentally safe, green cleaning methods and chemistries for all surfaces. How We Do It
Hydrolaze Kleaning High-pressure hydrolazing of piping systems can reduce steam and air blow durations 60% - 70%, resulting in significant financial savings and schedule improvement. How We Do It
Brazed Aluminum Heat Exchangers Our EPC Process removes the mole sieve and all the other typical animals that block the fine clearances in your extremely high dollar piece of aluminum. How We Do It